Tammy Hope

Sioux Falls, SD

Tammy Hope earned her first master’s (MSTL, MSU, Mankato) in 2010 and her second master’s (MAAE, UF, Gainesville) in 2015. Attending the summer open art studios in Gainesville (2014) was the final factor that motivated Tammy to retire from teaching and work full time in her art career. Tammy’s work can be seen in Rock Rapids, Iowa: a metal and stained glass wall hanging sculpture in the Sanford Clinic and some of the murals shown throughout town.


Featured Work

This work is a wrapped canvas called “port Turbulence.” It is the second work of the “Synesthesia” series. It is a visual portrait of a tasting experience (thus synesthesia) with one of the artist’s favorite port-style wines: Sercial Madeira, old reserve. This work describes the wine’s bouquet, palate, and finish while it expresses the turbulence of the complex and beautiful flavors.